If you’re a patent professional, you should join NAPP®!NAPP® membership gives you…
NAPP Member TestimonialsRenewing your NAPP Membership? Renew Today!Membership Fees and Categories$250/year. For registered to practice before the USPTO patent attorneys or patent agents in good standing. $50/Student Members shall consist of persons who do not qualify as Practitioner Members but who are (1) studying to become either patent agents or patent attorneys with the United States Patent and Trademark Office, (2) planning to practice before the United States Patent and Trademark Office as either patent agents or patent attorneys, and (3) not actively working in a permanent job in any patent-related field. No person may qualify as a Student Member for more than five years. Student members shall not have the right to vote or hold office.
$175/year. Associate Member shall consist of persons who do not qualify as Practitioner or Student Members but have an interest in the patent business or a related field. Associate Members shall not have the right to vote or hold office. View full details on Membership Categories
Did you know that if you have two or more members of NAPP that work at the same company and are renewing/joining at the same time, NAPP can offer you a 10% discount on membership? Please reach out to [email protected] for the discount code.